Lindsey Mason, '17

B.S. in Marketing Management

How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
Grove City College’s tuition was significantly lower in cost compared to the other schools that I looked at during my college selection. I knew that I wanted to go to a Christian school but was taken back by the cost of tuition at some of the top Christian colleges. Grove City College was by far the school with the best value for a great education that the other colleges couldn’t beat.

Overall, how would you describe the spiritual environment at Grove City College?
I would describe it as incredible. I grew up in a public school system and was surrounded by a lot of people who did not share the same morals and values as me, which was a challenge. Arriving at Grove City College as a freshman, I was blown away by what a difference it made to be surrounded by individuals who shared the same faith as you.

How would you describe the level of academics you experienced during your time here?
My freshman year was a huge challenge as I tried to adjust to the academic change from high school to college. I felt frustrated by my friends at state schools who claimed they “hardly studied and got A’s”. Now I understand why Grove City College intellectually challenges its students. We were being prepared with the skills, tenacity, and work ethic to enter the professional world and stand out.

What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
Each professor that I had knew every student in class by name and cared not only about the student’s successes in academics but their personal lives. I had professors start off every single class asking for any prayer requests and another professor that took students out for wing nights at a favorite local restaurant.

What was the most unique aspect of Grove City College?
The authenticity of the people. Everyone you meet at Grove City College is so authentic and genuine from the students, to the professors, to the people who serve you in the dining halls.

How active are students in campus activities such as intramural, Greek life, sports, clubs, musical productions etc.?
There are a ton of students involved in all of the activities listed above. Every week there are a thousand things going within the campus. I was part of a Greek group and it connected me with so many people and kept me very active around campus.

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