Peter Herman, '17

B.A. in English, Minor in Communication Studies, Minor in Classical Studies

How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
In terms of its reasonable tuition cost for a private liberal arts school, it is incomparable.

How is faith incorporated in the classroom?
My favorite example of incorporating faith into the classroom is Dr. Potter’s reading of a Proverb at the beginning of class every day. This is simply one way in which professors seek to create an atmosphere of faith and devotion.

What drew you to choose English as your major?
I entered Grove City College undeclared, but I’ve always loved reading literature and talking about it. After taking a few English courses and interacting with the insightful and engaging faculty, I was totally sold.

What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
The professors are friendly and kind. They are approachable and love to help students.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?
Don’t undervalue certain courses simply because they are required. Some of my most invaluable learning has come from the humanities core.

Describe some of your experiences in campus activities.
Inner City Outreach trips have been really influential for me. Working with a literary magazine and contributing to it has also been a great experience.

How did your academic work and relationships with faculty challenge you at Grove City College?
Professors have definitely challenged me to engage with difficult texts and to ‘put my oar’ into the ongoing conversation. They set high expectations, but also do everything they can to see you succeed academically.

How did your time at Grove City College prepare you for your vocation?
Whether it is writing and speaking with clarity, meeting a strict deadline, or working with a team, my education has well prepared me for many aspects of the workplace.

Why did you study English?
As we read together in community, we have the opportunity to grow in empathy. Studying English can do more than making you a better reader and writer; it can help you become a more loving and understanding person.

Learn more about Grove City College's B.A. in English

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