Students help raise hunger awareness, funds

Students help raise hunger awareness, funds

​Grove City College, George Junior Republic and Grace United Methodist Church are marking a decade of raising awareness and funds for those impacted by hunger in the community with Empty Bowls from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, March 19 at the church, 210 S. Broad St., Grove City.

Empty Bowls brings together students from the College and George Junior Republic, a local facility for adjudicated youth, and area churches in a collective effort to improve local lives and foster fellowship. 

Ceramics students from the College’s Department of Communication and Visual Arts work two nights a week for a month with youth from George Junior to make more than 100 ceramic bowls for the event. Their work augments an after-school program taught by Glen Sanders. The bowls are then sold at the church, filled with delicious home-made soup. Since 2007, students have made hundreds of bowls and the event has raised nearly $8,000 for the Grove City Community Food Pantry.

To mark the 10th anniversary of Empty Bowls, ten local churches are pitching in to provide ten varieties of soup for attendees to enjoy. Cost for adults is $10 and $5 for school-aged children.

For more information, contact Mary Kay Mattocks at 724-458-8660.​

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