Medved to discuss Hollywood’s impact on freedom of conscience

Medved to discuss Hollywood’s impact on freedom of conscience

The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College’s upcoming conference “Most Sacred: Freedom of Conscience in America" features nationally syndicated radio talk show host Michael Medved speaking on “Feelings Over Faith: How Hollywood Shifted the American Imperative from ‘Do Your Duty’ to ‘Follow Your Heart.’”

Medved will speak at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 4, in the Morledge Great Room of Rathburn Hall on campus.

Medved’s daily three-hour show reaches over 300 markets coast to coast and an audience of 4 million listeners placing him, for 14 years in a row, on the Talkers Magazine list of the top ten largest audiences in political talk radio. He is the author 13 non-fiction books, including is most recent best-seller “The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic.” In the book, he describes a dozen astonishing incidents in which luck, nature, or some higher power seemed to intervene on behalf the young United States.

Medved has lectured for religious, political and academic audiences in all 50 states and six Canadian provinces, and contributes columns regularly to the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, where he is a member of the board of contributors.

The conference on April 4 and 5 will explore: What is freedom of conscience properly understood? What is the tradition of conscientious objection, not just to Americans specifically but to Christians generally? What are its roots and applications from Biblical times to modern times? Who are its earliest martyrs and modern warriors? Which cases stand out and speak to us? Why is this a freedom worth preserving? And above all, how should we at Grove City College—an institution dedicated to faith and freedom, to the foundations of a faithful and free society, and to the mission of forming the very consciences of our students—respond to threats to freedom of conscience in today’s chaotic culture?

Other speakers include: Colleen Sheehan, co-director of the Matthew J. Ryan Center for the Study of Free Institutions and the Public Good at Villanova University; David French, senior writer at National Review; Kristen Waggoner, attorney and senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom; Ryan Anderson, senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation and author of “When Harry Became Sally;” and Paul J. McNulty ’80, president of Grove City College.

For a complete schedule and to register for the conference, visit the website at

The Center for Vision & Values is a conservative think tank strengthening the faith and freedom foundation of American citizenship. Its mission is to promote those principles to the next generation of American leaders and to share them with the wider world. For more about the center, visit

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