Join the Wolverine Marching Band for a day

Join the Wolverine Marching Band for a day

The Grove City College Wolverine Marching Band invites high school juniors and seniors to join its ranks for Band Preview Day on Saturday, Oct. 15, on campus. 

Instrumentalists and band front members – color guard, dance line, flags or twirlers – will have a complete College football game day experience with the Wolverine band. 

Band Preview Day’s schedule includes a meet and greet with the directors of the marching band, rehearsal with the band, lunch with band officers and pre-game and half-time performances at the Grove City College-Westminster College game. Spend a day with the Wolverines and find out what college marching band is all about.

Grove City’s marching band is frequently cited as one of the best at Division III colleges. In addition to playing at every home football game, the 160-plus member Grove City College Wolverine Marching Band is called upon to serve as an honor band for many regional marching band festivals, parades and special guest appearances. In October, the band will travel to Orlando, Fla., to perform at Walt Disney World in October. The band has also recorded marching band music for Jalen Publishing Company.

Dr. Joseph Pisano, professor of music, directs the marching band.

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