Faith & Freedom Academy online: Reagan’s legacy

Faith & Freedom Academy online: Reagan’s legacy

The Faith & Freedom Academy opens Wednesday, May 5, with a course dedicated to one of the most significant political figures of the last century.

The Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College (IFF) is offering “The Legacy of Ronald Reagan,” a free, online exploration of the life and legacy of the United States’ 40th president. It’s available online at the Institute’s website

“Reagan championed the ideals of faith and freedom and left a lasting influence on the conservative movement,” Robert Rider, senior director of the Institute, said. “At the Institute for Faith & Freedom we have the expertise and the content to offer students a comprehensive review of his consequential life and presidency.”

Professor of Political Science Dr. Paul Kengor, the IFF’s chief academic scholar, has written several books and countless articles on Reagan’s presidency, legacy and character. He played a key role in curating the course materials.

“The Legacy of Ronald Reagan” is the first in a planned series of courses to be offered by the IFF under the Faith & Freedom Academy banner. Five more courses are set to follow in coming months on topics such as free markets, limited government, religious liberty, freedom of conscience and rule of law.

Faith & Freedom Academy courses have been developed to deliver a thoughtful, engaging, and user-friendly experience, free to the public online. Grove City College and IFF are committed to building and bolstering the foundations of a free society, which is vital work necessary to convey knowledge and develop wisdom in all citizens.

“I encourage people to share these important courses far and wide. Whether it is a high school student or a life-long learner who wants to hear from stellar speakers and professors, there is someone who will benefit from these courses,” Kengor said.

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