Alumnus to discuss aging and social work

Alumnus to discuss aging and social work

Grove City College's Department of Psychology and Social Work welcomes alumnus Dr. Markus Schafer ’05 to discuss aging and social work at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 28 in Sticht Lecture Hall of the Hall of Arts and Sciences.

Schafer is an associate professor of sociology and a faculty associate of the Institute of Life Course and Aging at the University of Toronto. His research lies mainly in the area of health and aging. He’ll discuss “Linked Lives: Exploring Aging and Well-Being through a Social Networks Perspective.” The lecture is free and open to the public.

A graduate of Grove City College with a double major in Psychology and Sociology, Schafer earned his Ph.D. in sociology and gerontology from Purdue University. His areas of study include the association between health and social networks among older adults, the role of the physical environment in shaping older adults’ social connectedness and health and the intersection of personal networks and religion.

He currently serves as an associate editor of Journals of Gerontology: Social Science and on the editorial board of several other interdisciplinary journals.

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