- D.B.A. Anderson University
- M.B.A. Clarion University of Pennsylvania
- B.A. Business Administration, Grove City College
Professional Experience
I have taught in the College’s Department of Management & Marketing since 2011. In this role I have the opportunity to walk alongside future business professionals as we work through ethical issues and dilemmas and managerial challenges from a Christian perspective that they will soon encounter in today’s marketplace.
Prior to teaching I served in the College’s business office for 24 years from 1987 to 2011 as the Director of Human Resources and Business Operations. My functional areas of responsibility include human resources, risk management, employee benefits, summer camps and conferences, and oversight of several auxiliary services. Additionally, I served as an adjunct professor from 1998 to 2011, teaching risk management and human resources.
- Business Ethics
- Human Resource Management
- Risk Management and Insurance
- Advanced HR and Employee Benefits
- Sports and Events Management Practicum
- Seminar in Life Management
- Business Ethics – Online
Selected Publications
- "Intent to Stay: An Examination of the Impact of Job Embeddedness, Job Satisfaction and Job Search on Faculty Retention at Christian Colleges," paper presented to the Christian Business Faculty Association (CBFA) Annual Conference at Olivet Nazarene University, 2013.
What is the most important pieces of advice you give students to help them prepare for today’s business world?
Why will you get up and go to work each day? This question is posed to students in the course Business Ethics. In all likelihood, an employee will get up and go to work over 10,000 times in their business career. Is it out of obligation or in pursuit of profit, promotions, prestige, or some other accolade? I encourage our students to seek their calling and purpose in today’s business world beyond the normal responses to this question and to be a difference maker.
Is there any personal information you would like to share?
My wife (Amy) and I are alumni of Grove City College and have raised our four children in Grove City. In addition to my duties at the College, I am an avid runner and high school track & field coach.