Olivia Connors, '18

How much of a role did Grove City College's relative affordability play in your decision to attend?
The affordability of Grove City College played a big role in my college decision. The other school I considered had a much higher tuition, but with merit-based aid, it was close to Grove City College’s tuition. 

Overall, how would you describe the spiritual environment at Grove City College?
The spiritual environment is sincere and thoughtful. I appreciate the intellectual honesty and humility with which students and faculty address questions of faith. It would be easy for a Christian college to grow narrow-minded and cheap in its approach to religion, but in my experience, Grove City College has largely avoided this.

How do the academics challenge students to think on a deeper level about the world and life in general?
For me, academic expectations are fundamental to my vitality as a person. The serious pursuit of learning is crucial to one’s relationships and faith, and being at a school with others who recognize this is very encouraging and freeing.

What is the relationship like between students and professors?
Almost all of the professors I’ve had are personally invested in the success of each of their students. They make an effort to be available and they truly care whether you are understanding their lessons. Many of them are interested in getting to know students and offering their mentorship.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?
I would advise incoming students to be aware that coming to college can be a dramatic transition and to keep this in mind when things are difficult for the first year or two. Grove City College is a good place for meeting friendly people who care and you should push yourself to take advantage of this. Processing change can cause some people to become isolated, but in this community, reaching out to others is very helpful and not terribly difficult.

Describe your experience with residence life at Grove City College, particularly freshman year.
My freshman RAs were very well prepared to help us deal with the transition to college, and they really cared how we were doing. Roommates are not always easy to get along with, but having dorm rules and RAs who observe them gives you a way out of bad situations. The general atmosphere on my freshman hall was friendly and kind; I knew the other girls were looking out for me. 

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