Jamie (Lorah) Hartz, '13

Do you feel like you made any concessions to come to a school that is reasonably priced?
Grove City College was my first choice based on the campus, students, activities, and academic programs, so it was a bonus that tuition and room/board were reasonably priced as well. I never felt that I had to compromise affordability for value in my education.

How has your faith been strengthened and perhaps even challenged during your time here?
Growing up, I attended public school from kindergarten through 12th grade. Attending Grove City College and being in an environment where so many of my roommates, classmates, professors, and friends were engaged in their journey of faith and seeking to grow spiritually encouraged me immensely. Some of my best experiences at Grove City College were great talks with my friends about spiritual topics, Warriors worship services on Thursday nights, and ICO missions trips, all of which God used to refine my faith and show me the path He was paving for my life.

How would you describe the level of academics you experienced at Grove City College?
The academics were a challenge that I can look back on and be thankful for. Sometimes, it felt like every minute of my day was filled with homework, studying, and tests, but I came away with a wealth of knowledge that I know I wouldn’t have gained anywhere else (and of course I had some fun in the process). When I graduated from Grove City College and started graduate school, I felt better prepared and more comfortable in a challenging master’s degree than most of my classmates because my Grove City College coursework had prepared me well and taught me to be a strong student.

What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
I think it depends on the professor, student, and department. Some departments were closer than others, and I knew a lot of students who were invited to their professors’ houses for meals or events. I attended a handful of events at professors’ homes while at Grove City College and was always encouraged by the opportunity to see them in a different context and get to know them better. On an academic level, professors at the College are aware that their job is to challenge students, but they always seek to make themselves available to students so that the challenge doesn’t become overwhelming.

How did you hear about Grove City College?
A girl from my church was a senior at Grove City College when I was a senior in high school, and I had worked with her in a summer job. I was impressed by her confidence and poise and quickly learned that Grove City College was a big part of shaping who she was.

Describe your experience with residence life, particularly freshman year.
Freshman year is a time when most students are starting to stretch their wings, and Grove City College’s residence life welcomes that and encourages it. Freshman halls are often where students find their closest group of friends, and RAs on these halls put together activities and trips and events for freshmen in order to get them acclimated with the campus and student life. By way of example, I have never been very athletic or sports-oriented, but freshman year my hall organized intramural sports teams for nearly every sport that was offered, and I played on most of them! It was a great (and non-threatening) way to get to know people and expand my horizons, and it led to many great friendships. 

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