There is something more than nostalgia and the promise of a good time that brings thousands – alumni, students, families, and friends – to Grove City College every year for Homecoming.
The crowd delights in the parade and the floats, the big football game, the Wolverine Marching Band’s halftime show, fun under the tents on the Quad and Greek Village, and reunions aplenty. Everyone enjoys the celebration and the spectacle, but that is not what really draws them to gather “‘Mid the pines in columns growing, By the stream so deeply flowing,” as the Alma Mater says.
They come “home” en masse for a fall weekend for the same reason that they talk up the College to prospective students, come back to speak to a class, volunteer to mentor students, stuff envelopes for the alumni office, write a check, or read this magazine. It is because they continue to find value and meaning in their connection to Grove City College ...
Read the rest here: Blessed Be the Ties that Bind.

This story was published in the January 2023 issue of The GéDUNK, Grove City College’s alumni magazine.