Drew Cypher, '16

Do you feel like you made any concessions to come to a school that is reasonably priced?
Absolutely not. In fact, I was granted a four-year Army ROTC scholarship to Ohio State but ultimately chose Grove City College, not because of money, but because I recognized that I wanted more than just a recognizable university name. I wanted to be engaged in the campus, I wanted to learn along with 2,500 other students who wanted to do the same, and I wanted to fulfill the plan that I felt God has laid out for me.

What are some of the ways you were spiritually engaged while at Grove City College?
The unique thing about Grove City College is that you don’t need to drive 20 minutes to church to get your “Jesus-fix,” because you’re constantly spiritually engaged. I had the opportunity to lead Fellowship of Christian Athletes on Sundays and attend chapel throughout the semester, but I grew the most through daily interactions with fellow students, professors and coaches. The soccer team had a huge influence on my walk with Christ through prayers and constant encouragement; my fraternity brothers are also always pushing me to spend time with the Lord.

How do the academics challenge students to think on a deeper level about the world and life in general?
The liberal arts requirements go beyond the material that college students at other institutions are learning. Faith-based classes, such as Science, Faith and Technology, offer the unique perspective that it was not science itself that initiated the age of intellectual prosperity, but that science under the direction of Christianity that made way for the extensive knowledge we learn of today. It is this uniquely Christian education from which I have gained so much knowledge, but more importantly, the tools necessary to incorporate my all-important faith into a world that increasingly seems to be drawing farther and farther away from Christ.

What is the relationship like between students and professors?
Grove City College professors want to engage with students and they love working at an institution with so many students that have a desire to learn.

What led you to choose political science as your major?
I can remember staying up until 1 or 2 in the morning, as a 5-year-old, eager to find out the election results of the 2000 Bush-Gore election. I have always had a passion for politics and have always known, that wherever I ended up, I’d be studying political science. The political science major incorporates history, the workings of different governments, political theory, and practical applications of social science. Political Science provided the perfect foundation.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?
Freshman year is vitally important for discovering who you are and what you are going to make of your college career on your own. Try new things, talk to all different types of people, don’t be afraid to branch out. Take heed of the advice of your peers, but find out for yourself exactly who you are and what you want to be doing. The next four years of your life will fly by – make them great and make them yours.

What is your favorite aspect of Grove City College?
Its excellence. I love Grove City College for the amazing four-year college experience it provides, but it is also important to remember that college is a gateway into the rest of your life.

What were some of the things you did during your free time either on or off campus?
With studying, playing soccer, and participating in a number of organizations on campus I found that my weekdays and some weekends were scheduled to the brim. Grove City College students have a reputation for filling their schedules, but we always found time to have fun. I loved going to the gym to lift or run. My fraternity brothers always had an idea for fun in mind and there was always time for brief excursions to Pittsburgh or Moraine State Park.

Learn more about Grove City College's B.A. in Political Science

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