Courtney (Moletz) McClelland, '18

How big of a role did the affordability of Grove City College play in your college decision making process?
When I came to Grove City College for a tour of campus, I was encouraged to hear of the example of financial stewardship set by the Harbison brothers who finished building Harbison Chapel to honor their father by moving into smaller homes and paying out-of-pocket for the remainder of the project. The competitive cost for the quality of education Grove Ctiy College offers is unmatched—and for this reason, Grove City College's affordability was a huge draw.

How has your faith been strengthened and perhaps even challenged during your time here?
I got plugged into Grace Anglican Church and attend a Bible study with other girls my age, which has helped strengthen my faith in a beautiful way. I’m understanding the Word on a deeper and more intellectual level through teachings at Grace and through my humanities courses at Grove City College.

What are some of the ways you have been spiritually engaged while at Grove City College?
I find that many students are open to dialogue about theological questions and their own Christian walk and are willing to pray alongside me. I’ve led worship in the past—both hymns and contemporary songs—for the freshman class of 2019 and participated in a spiritual retreat alongside them.

How is faith incorporated in the classroom?
I appreciate that most of my professors open the class in prayer—it allows the class to begin with a posture of worship and reminds me that my studies and future work in communication is for the glory of God.

Overall, how would you describe the spiritual environment? 
I’m growing in new ways and meeting new friends who encourage and lift one another up in prayer and encouragement. Christ is the center of the classroom, Sunday worship, and even in conversation in the Breen Student Union in between classes. 

What drew you to choose communication studies as your major?
I chose to become a communication studies major because I love public speaking and communicating on behalf of a company or organization I am passionate about. I’m also interested in visual and the performing arts and with the art program and communication program being combined on campus, I knew this was the major for me.

How do the academics challenge students to think on a deeper level about the world and life in general?
Communication studies is about understanding and thinking about the world on a deeper level at its very core. Communication students investigate appropriate methods of communication in different contexts, study how to deal with conflict, learn about crisis management, develop plans to represent clients in a professional manner, and work together to form ethical communication practices to help improve our communities and, ultimately, the world.

What is the relationship like between the students and the professors?
The professors at Grove City College are personal, professional, and knowledgeable. In class, I feel valued, heard, seen, and known. All of my professors greet me in the hallway, are open to discuss anything from academics to personal life, and have even invited a whole class over to their home for dinner at the end of the semester.

What are some of the ways that professors ensure that students not only receive information but truly learn and understand how to apply that information?
All of the professors are required to have 10 office hours a week. This means that students can come in and discuss class material throughout the week, either by stopping by their offices during the specified hours or by scheduling a meeting, The professors are more than willing to discuss whatever the student may need help understanding.

What is your favorite aspect of Grove City College?
I appreciate how versatile Grove City College’s extracurricular activities are. I began by acting and marketing productions in the theatre department and moved into visual art and graphic designing—the campus is our oyster.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?
You know about bringing shower shoes and stocking up on command strips—what’s really important to know is that the student union’s chocolate chip pancakes are a perfect late-night snack to share with friends!

What do you find to be the most unique aspect of Grove City College?
The hands-on opportunities and ability to find internships and jobs through the Office of Career Services is incredibly successful.

How would you describe the relationship that the students have with each other on campus?
We’re all hard workers, so when one of us is successful, we all celebrate that person’s success. There are many close friend groups and a lot of opportunity to make new friends.

And can you describe some of your experiences in campus activities?
The theatre allowed me to make lasting friendships (it’s where I fell in love with my fiancé!) and helped me better understand the human condition in a dramatic and artistic way. Additionally, opportunities to design posters and print materials for campus events has grown my graphic design portfolio and has made me a more organized and creative person. 

Learn more about Grove City College's B.A. in Communication Studies

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