Caroline Bennett, '16

Do you feel like you made any concessions to come to a school that is reasonably priced?
While the low tuition was certainly attractive, I chose to attend Grove City College for its strong Christian values and wholesome environment. In addition, my sister and parents had wonderful college experiences here and I was excited to carry on the legacy. I was extremely pleased in the quality of education I received at Grove City College. I so appreciated going to a school where they are as economical as I am learning to be as a young adult.

How was your faith strengthened, and perhaps even challenged, at Grove City College? 
My faith has been undeniably shaped and strengthened. With such a challenging and competitive academic atmosphere, it is easy to feel anxious and stressed by the pressure to succeed in college and find employment opportunities reflecting that success. The Christian foundation is essential to having a balanced and healthy college experience. Additionally, I had the opportunity to study abroad in London, England, an experience that unquestionably challenged my faith. The consistently religious background at Grove City College provided me with the strength and confidence to present myself authentically in my Christianity in the face of opposition.

How would you describe the level of academics you experienced? 
Academics at Grove City College are comprehensive and demanding. Students are treated as adults and are expected to handle difficult exams, extensive papers, collaborative team work, and professional presentations. By assessing students in a number of different formats, we are proficient to handle any capacity of professional requirements later in life. The challenging academics absolutely set students up for great success.

What is the relationship like between the students and the professors? 
It was a pleasure to work with the professors at Grove City College, who are a real source of inspiration. I also benefitted from the support of staff in career services and the alumni office. It is awesome to be a part of such a caring foundation of individuals with students’ best interest at heart.

What led you to choose communications as your major?
I chose communication studies as my major in hopes that it would help to steer my professional development in a direction that was right for me. Throughout my time at Grove City College I had the opportunity to explore many of the communications courses and other areas of interest such as theater, business, and marketing. With the flexibility that my major offered, I learned to really enjoy networking and hearing from others about possible career paths that I may one day enjoy as well. Ultimately, my communication studies background has helped to set me up for success in a number of professions.

What is your favorite aspect of Grove City College? 
The opportunities that have been opened up to me as a result of my enrollment and engagement here. I worked on the school newspaper, received a summer job offer and a professional internship through the career fair, enjoyed a two week intersession trip around Europe, engaged in mission work in the Dominican Republic, pledged to a sorority, performed in theatrical performances, acquired two school jobs, spent a life-changing semester in London, and made friendships that I know will last my lifetime. I loved my time at the College!

How would you describe the relationship that the students have with each other on campus? 
Relationships formed at Grove City College are truly unique. So many students are similarly driven and faithful that they genuinely enjoy connecting with others who share a common interest, or even just a common alma mater. Grove City College is a special place, and I think the relationships formed around theinstitution are cherished by those who invest in it.

Why did you choose to study abroad? 
I love to travel and found that a semester-long adventure abroad was the perfect expedition for me! Studying abroad was a life-changing experience, and a time in my life that I will cherish forever.

How has it changed you? 
Studying abroad changed me for the better! Throughout my adventure, I grew exponentially in my confidence, adaptability and fearlessness. The experience challenged me in ways I could not have foreseen, and compelled me to more fully embrace who I am as an individual. The semester abroad additionally awakened within me a crazy desire to travel which leaves me constantly daydreaming about my next big adventure! 

Learn more about Grove City College's B.A. in Communication Studies

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