Brian Toney, '00

Do you feel like you made any concessions to come to a school that is reasonably priced?
Big campuses and other types of institutions are different by nature, but the experience I had at Grove City College was the best thing I could have hoped for.

How is faith incorporated in the classroom?
Faith was overreaching in each class I took, but did not supersede the material that was taught. Sometimes, it’s easy to try to push subject matter to the side or try to push faith into places that are not natural fits. While God is the Creator of all things, figuring out what buttons to push down on a saxophone to get the right sound to emerge isn’t itself spiritual, for instance. The professors understood this and skillfully taught content while acknowledging or illuminating God’s purpose, place when, and where appropriate.

How do the academics challenge students to think on a deeper level about the world and life in general?
This is where Grove City College sets itself apart. Being prepared to see the bigger picture than what is just in front allows for the recognition of God’s plan and our place within it.

What are some of the ways that professors ensure that students not only receive information but truly learn and understand how to apply that information?
The content is put into practice in relevant ways so that the learning is beyond theoretical. This is done in many ways, such as field experience, in and out of class seminars, and student led interactions to name a few.

What do you find to be the most unique aspect of Grove City College?
It’s truly an institution that values tradition while embracing the future. The on-campus experience is going away in many places, but at Grove City College, it’s a vital aspect.

Describe some of your experiences in campus activities.
Being involved in the musical organizations at Grove City College and forming an small musical group with other students allowed for a great deal of fellowship, challenges, and growth together with others who sought a lot of the same things and were going through similar circumstances. We were able to connect and form bonds that have transcended distance and time. Grove City College will always be part of who I am. 

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