Benjamin Zerbe, '17

What are some of the ways you were spiritually engaged while at Grove City College?
Beyond the everyday components, I had many opportunities for study and spiritual engagement through my housing group, Alpha Sigma, as well as through Student Life and Learning.

What drew you to choose physics as your major?
I love to understand and appreciate the things I encounter, and there is no more fundamental way to do so than through the study of the universe that those things inhabit and the logic that allows us to study them.

What are some of the ways that professors ensure that students not only receive information but truly learn and understand how to apply that information?
Regular interaction via office hours is one, one that I did not often take advantage of though. Really it was through their intentionality in the classroom setting and in their interactions with the students there.

What is your favorite aspect of Grove City College?
I love the environment at the College. It is a rare thing to be able to openly discuss just about anything and be challenged in an environment that will pick you back up after it is done.

Describe some of your experiences in campus activities.
I was involved in the Physics Club and also with my housing group, Alpha Sigma. Both gave me great opportunities on campus and outside it. Beyond that, I was an RA with a freshman hall and that was quite the experience. There are too many specifics to recount, but one of my favorites was the opportunity to travel to San Francisco with the Physics Club for the Quadrennial “PhysCon” hosted by the physics honor society Sigma Pi Sigma. 

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