Ashley Cetnar, '11

What is your current job title and employer?
I am a medical physicist at the James Cancer Center, The Ohio State University.

Please provide a brief description of typical activities and responsibilities of your job.
I work in the department of radiation oncology to help ensure patient safety and implement new technology for cancer treatments. I provide clinical expertise in treatment planning, quality assurance for treatment machines, conduct research, and have opportunities for teaching.

What are some ways that the Department of Physics at Grove City College prepared you for your career?
My physics degree from Grove City College provided me with a solid foundation in science and problem solving. I was afforded many opportunities for growth including being a teacher’s assistant for classes, researching, professional development and networking, and leadership. Through both the didactic coursework, mentorship of the professors, and opportunities in the department I was to be challenged and grow as an individual that prepared me for my current profession.

How does the tuition cost of Grove City College compare to the other schools you looked at during your college selection?
Compared to other institutions, Grove City College was very affordable. The College is a great value because of the quality of the education and experiences afforded to the students.

How was your faith strengthened and perhaps even challenged during your time here?
I had the opportunity to be surrounded and supported by Christian classmates and professors throughout college. There were always opportunities to grow in faith through campus groups, chapel, and guest speakers. The curriculum has a great arrangement of required courses that challenged my faith from an academic prospective in many different topics that prepared me for a future outside of a Christian institution. I was personally was involved in attending and organizing missions trips to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.

How do the academics challenge students to think on a deeper level about the world and life in general?
Academics prepare students to think in the world. They give a safe place for a student to learn and fail and consider new ideas before they have to make difficult decisions outside of campus. They are a way of providing structure and guidance for learning experiences that can be applied to new situations in the future.

What is the relationship like between students and professors?
Within the Department of Physics there is a strong emphasis on developing relationships between student and faculty. Since it is a relatively small department, the students will interact with the faculty many times and in many different ways throughout college. There are many social activities hosted by the department to strengthen these relationships beyond that of an impersonal teacher that lectures. Because I knew my professors well through classwork, social activities, and department involvement, I also felt confident that they were able to write representative letters of recommendation for me as an individual.

How did you hear about Grove City College?
I was local to Western Pennsylvania so I had heard about Grove City College. I started considering it as a college when I participated in honors band hosted on campus and many of my friends in youth group were attending after high school.

Describe your experience with residence life at Grove City College, particularly freshman year.
Residence life was great. When I first came to college as a freshman, the RAs provided many opportunities to get to know others on the hall and develop relationships that would last throughout college and beyond. One of the biggest fears when starting in a new place is not knowing anyone. There were many ways to meet new people in an inviting atmosphere for authentic friendships. 

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